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Writer's pictureRachel Fuqua

Should we re-name HP Slender?

Finally, a fat loss program that works! This product is a synergistic combination of herbs to aid in the body’s ability to maintain optimum weight while repairing and rebuilding the elimination organs in the body. HP Slender supplies herbal nutrition required on a daily basis. This product curbs the appetite, feeds the thyroid gland and aids the body to naturally relieve nervous tension.

We have found that HP-Slender is MORE THAN we originally formulated it to be! It also supports detoxifying the bowel and liver. Hawthorne berries provide cardiovascular support. This is basically an endocrine booster and can provide more than just for weight loss, it supports so much more!

We are running a contest and want your contributions on name ideas if we decide to re-name HP Slender?! Dan has suggested HP Endocrine Boost, what is your suggestion?

"The way we live and what we do with our lives is totally up to us. Each day we all get a little older. We need to ask ourselves at the end of each day, what did I accomplish today for the betterment of myself and others. Remember this thing we call life is not a practice session. It’s the real thing. We live this life but one time, so let’s make it outstanding and teach our next generation how we did it."

-Samuel Young, M.H., N.D.

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